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How Does Payment WorkYou can pay by Check, Cash, Venmo, or PayPal. We are working on online payment for Credit Card services in 2023.
What Supplies will I needThis will vary from job to job and will be discussed prior to starting the job.
How Long Will the Job Take?Each job is unique and will require an initial walk through to allow for adequate estimation.
What if I have issues with the way the job is being done?Please feel free to discuss any and all issues on the jobsite if any are to arise.
What Services do we offerPlease check out our About Us and Services Pages for reference as to what we can do to help you home look better than ever
Have a comment or feedback from the JobYou can upload you feedback to our website or email
Are you insured?Yes we are fully insured by Berkley Atlantic.
What Days of the Week do we WorkMonday thru Saturday starting at 8am. Will work Sundays during busy times and if additional time is needed. Times can be modified per job by request.
How long have we been in serviceSince 2015 I have been serving the Bucks County and Greater Bucks County area's help to make peoples homes, gardens and landscapes look better than ever. We also now are servicing areas outside of bucks county and can travel further if needed.
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